Originally Posted on Communitech | June 2021
We’ve found ways to celebrate while staying apart to keep safe during the pandemic. From weddings over video to drive-through birthday parties, there hasn’t been a milestone or event that we haven’t found a way to enjoy with a COVID pivot – and that includes Pride, where Waterloo Region’s LGBTQ2+ communities celebrate the freedom to be themselves.
This month’s Pride is taking a different form – not just pandemic-related, but with Waterloo Region’s rainbow community space SPECTRUM taking the lead to organize and connect people across the community.
Expanding our awareness of what it means to be queer is the subject of an internal workshop at Communitech this month. Led by author and professor Lee Airton, the workshop is designed to introduce Communitech employees to the spectrum of gender diversity and create a workplace climate that welcomes all the ways people live gender.
To find Pride events happening in Waterloo Region, check out our Events Calendar
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